By Alex Capshaw-Taylor
On Wednesday, November 17, 2021 the city held a virtual information session to discuss the next phase of the City’s Pathways Plan. The Twin Lakes-Kensington Bike/Ped Connector will extend the current multi-use trail along Lafayette Blvd from where it ends at St. Paul St. to Twin Lakes Dr. In addition, Springwood Dr. will serve as a connection route to the VCR Trail. This plan also includes placing a bike repair station on the VCR Trail at Alum Springs Park. Funding for this trail is provided by the state of Virginia through their SmartScale grant initiative.
The Twin Lakes-Kensington extension fulfills Priority #13 of the City Council’s 2021-2023 Priorities: to advance multimodal connectivity throughout the city by linking neighborhoods and activity centers. Importantly, the trail extension will support walkability and reduce reliance on vehicular traffic. The eventual goal of the City’s Pathways Plan for the Lafayette Corridor is to extend the mixed-use trail south along Lafayette Blvd to the city boundary line.

Currently, the Twin Lakes-Kensington extension is in the preliminary planning/design phase and many items have not been drawn. The lighted trail will look similar to what has already been built along Telegraph Hill (alongside the new Fredericksburg Park development) and will include a 10ft wide asphalt shared use path separated from Lafayette Blvd. by a 5ft wide grass strip.
The city met with the Kensington HOA earlier this year and will hold further public engagement sessions for all city residents in the Spring of 2022. In addition, City Council will hold a public hearing in the Spring of 2022. No questions or comments were taken at the November 17 information session.
Presenters of the information session included Jamie Jackson, Director of Public Transit, Mike Craig, Senior City Planner, and Mitchel Johnson, a consultant with WRA. Citizens should contact Jamie Jackson with any questions or comments. Information about the project can be found at Commonwealth Transportation Board site here and here.
Alex Capshaw-Taylor is a Fredericksburg resident who lives with her family near the proposed connector trail.
I can’t wait until this project is complete, a sidewalk is put on the opposite side, in addition to crosswalks connecting them. It is much needed.